
Home Sphagnum Moss Green Moss Mountain Moss Moss Artworks


Green Moss


  Our Green moss is a very select moss,   we adopt especial production technical to keep the natural green, it was processed using no pesticides, chemicals, dyes, or irradiation. So this green moss is highly sought due to its thick natural backing, velvety texture and shimmering emerald green color. Just because of it, there are no worries with using them around children and pets.

 Green moss could be used for making Green moss animal basket, Green Moss hanging basket, Green Moss topiary, and so on.


  Green moss animal basket, hanging basket or topiary is perfect for housing your deep rooted plants or vines, and the depth of the basket allows the soil to retain more water for less frequent plant maintenance. This lends a handmade, authentic look to the piece while maintaining the structure of it.


  The flat back of this planter sits flush against a wall, and the included plastic liner means that no other liner is necessary. A large handle at the top of the unit allows you to hang it against any flat surface using just a screw or hook. House your favorite vines or other deep rooted plants in the rattan basket.
